Nae chingu gwa nae yeodongsaeng: "Saengil chukahamnida saengil chukahamnida saranghaneun Eping eonni~~~ Saengil chukahamnida~~"
Na: *making a fake shocking face* *blowing the candles* *literally screaming* GGGGGGGGGOMAWOOOOOOO
Yes, a fake shocking face. Actually they was messing up their "suprise party plan", because I caught them sneak around my house. like. a ninja....... jk. hahaha so they told me to go back to my bedroom, and after a couple of minutes they came in carrying a birthday cake, tadaaaa surpriseee (that not so surprising again) HAHAHA. But seriously I was surprised seeing them on my dining room before (with towel in my head uh embarassing) that was epic! you got me :DD
err.. you cant read that? No its not hangeul, its "saengil chukae eping" (with some..missing letters). Nanda did it, not me :p
I spot Minho! :D Like come on, of course he came HAHA
Not forget to mention the presenttt! Yeahs i got ddalgi uyu, a BOX of ddalgi uyu. Daebak! XD
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou today is the best birthday ever <3
still in love w/ ㅍ_ㅍ