
time does fly so fast. its been a year since my last update w o w. another year over and what have i done. 2012 was the most hard year for me i think? homesick attack when i was live in Solo by myself. I was hoping that i would get use to it, i am sure i would but in fact i really couldn't. and the time when i have to go to Neutron three times a week by bus preparing for SNMPTN. that was really hard no joke. thankfully i got accepted to a university in malang but it was so heptic. well moved back to malang, prepared for OSPEK, and the real problem: socializing with new people. so tiring. But yeaaah in other hand 2012 was also a blessed. Moment that i will never forget in my life never never ever. that was like the highight of my life in 2012. unforgettable moment. yes it's SMTOWN JAKARTA. i was able to meet SHINee, f(x), EXO, SNSD, DBSK, BoA also SJ in one stage. unsedcribable feeling. well watching smtown concert live is like the 2nd highest achievement for an smtown stan (the highest achievement no other is go to korea ofc.. or maybe *cough* marrying *cough* oppar) hehe. anw haapy new year me! blog! eveyone! oppars! lets make another great memories this year. 새해 복 많이 받으시고 행복한 일만 가득한 한해 되시길 바랍니다. Happy New Year and I wished this year you will be filled with happy days.