2. We'll also be distributing the remaining hand banners to the others on a first come first serve basis.
*Will update everyone on our location again.
3. Those who have the hand banners, please raise the hand banners during Key's solo and during the finale when we're gonna sing the birthday song.
*We hope that all other hand banners will not be raised except for our key hand banner, during his solo. Aekey hope to have only this hand banner being raised to surprise Key during his solo. Appreciate everyone's cooperation.
4. We'll sing the birthday song right after their last "Thank You", they will be standing at the front.
5. The song goes like this:
Saengil chukhahamnida (x2)
Saranghaneun Kibummie
Saengil chukhahamnida
If you do not know how to sing it, here's an example.
*Please raise the Key birthday hand banner when we're singing.
6. After the song, everyone say: Happy Key Day, SHINee Saranghae.
IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT raise this hand banner any time before Key's solo. We want this to be a surprise for him during his solo. Really hope everyone can cooperate with us. And also,
This is a collaboration between SHINee Singapore, Keylicious and AeKey. So let's show overseas fansite the unity of SG SHINee World!
Please disseminate this information to as many Shawols as you can. Let's not mess up the whole plan and do a great one for Key!
If you have any questions regarding this, please leave a comment or mention us on twitter @SHINeeSingapore Much appreciated. Thanks!
cr: http://shineesg.weebly.com
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